Weigh In Week 40

I’m back! The blog may not return to a daily, but I hope you will follow in the Facebook  Slim Down With Sandee Support Group as I work diligently toward my goal. After a couple of really rough weeks, things seem more manageable in my personal life.  I’ve been through changes in my job, helping a couple of ill relatives, and have added responsibilities in my church so the schedule was a bit crazy for a while. Now I am slipping into a new normal, I think.

I’ve also been battling not to fall back into emotional eating habits. I am being prayerful not to eat for comfort or entertainment. If I can eat only to alleviate hunger and gain nourishment, this last trek of my journey will be so much easier.

I don’t have weight loss to report this morning but I am excited to say I am back on track. I am consuming around 1000-1300 calories a day and have put in 10 of the 20 miles of cardio scheduled for the week. I KNOW that if I am diligent with this calorie range and exercise amount I will see the numbers drop. I simply must stay dedicated to the plan!