Keto vs. Low Carb, and how I fell into accidental keto

Some great thoughts on keto living!

The Lazy Keto Lady

First of all, I’d like to say that keto is not a “diet” at all. It’s a way of life. It’s something that you have to maintain, even after you hit your goal. My body likes to grab fat and hold onto it for dear life. If I’m going to be successful losing weight and keeping it off long-term, I’m always going to need to watch what and how I eat.

I started off with this “diet” thinking that I could handle going low carb. Following the typical low carb plan, you start off the first “phase” doing what they call “induction” which means you have to stay under 20g net carbs per day. I went heavily into research to see how to do this, what to eat, what not to eat, what Carbohydrates are. OH LAWD, turns out carbs are all the things that I love and adore!…

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Java Loving Dieter Rejoice

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Lauren from Boon and Boys enjoys the benefits of coffee as part of her workout routine. Watch her multitasking  her workout and her java time @booneandboys on Instagram. Then check out how to Multitask Your Workout for more inspiration.


Great news! That cup of coffee you enjoy so much might actually help you lose weight! Not only is coffee low in calories (about 2 calories a cup) but the caffeine in a cup of coffee can boost metabolism, stimulate thermogenesis, suppress your appetite, and give you the energy boost to get more out of your workout. At just 16 cents a cup for home brew that’s one bargain workout-booster! Treating yourself to coffee out will feel like a bargain too when you remember all that your cup of coffee can do.

There are some coffee cautions though. For best results remember to drink even your favorite beans in moderation. Too much caffeine can increase your stress levels and cause you to have trouble sleeping, both of which are counter productive for weight loss and performance. How much is enough? Try shooting for three or four cups of coffee spread throughout your day. Maybe you would benefit from one cup before your morning workout and one before each meal. Experiment to see what works best for you. Also, remember that when it comes to coffee for weight loss – black may be best. Creamer and sugar add extra calories and when you are working to loose weight, every calorie counts! There are some nice alternatives out there if you do want to spice up your morning coffee. Try spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. Sugar free syrups can cut the calories and still give a flavor punch. Skim milk or soy milk are popular lower calorie creamer alternatives. Interested in turning your morning coffee into a protein source? I just found out about Ripped Cream, a great new alternative packing 80 calories but also adding 6 grams of protein to your coffee-break. That’s a great protein punch for the calorie trade off. So enjoy your favorite grind or blend your way, knowing it just might help you reach your weight loss goals!







Multitask Your Workout

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Above is one of the most impressive multitaskers on Instagram. Check out more of Amanda Bruce’s photos – @weirdomandys



Like me, you might be having a hard time finding time for all you need to do? Dread exercise and need a good distraction to get you through? Love workouts but love time with loved ones too and don’t want to have to choose. Multitasking workouts might be for you!

Have errands to run? Try literally running downtown. Once you get there power walk from one chore to the next. Need to catch up on email or want to watch your favorite television show? Try doing either or both while on the treadmill. Have a desk job? Place a pedal machine under your desk or use the thigh-master while you work. Want to make the most of your time doing housework? In my teens read in a magazine that actress Loni Anderson did ab flexes while washing dishes. How about a housework race? See how fast you can do the chores and how many steps you can get in. Live near work? Try walking or riding your bike instead of taking the car. Bored stiff by planks? Try reading an e-book while you work your core. Fido need to stretch his legs? Of course taking him for a walk or a run would be a great idea. How about adding in a game of Frisbee? Want to spend quality time with the kids? Try going on a roller skating outing like my hubby and kids use to do or play a game of backyard football. Amanda Bruce has made an art out of exercising while playing with the kids as you see above. Want to catch up with friends? Go for a hike while you talk.

Want more good news? The benefits of multitasking your workout go beyond just your time savings and making exercise more bearable. According to an article on multitasking may boost your performance as well. “In a study from the University of Florida, adults who were asked to complete mental tasks while pedaling on stationary bikes were shown to move faster with no negative impact on their cognitive performance” – Michele Debczak, Mental Floss (follow Michelle on Twitter). No more excuses! Workout while you catch up on all those other great things you do!


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Amanda Bruce stretching while enjoying intimate time nursing her baby.

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Multitasking at it’s most acrobatic – the amazing Brittany Walsh playing with her cat while practicing. 


Sandra’s Journey to 5K

A huge thank to my inspirational Bestie for all of her encouragement and for writing this sweet and supportive blog entry! Throughout the last several years she had encouraged me to find something physical that I loved and would challenge me so I might find an exercise routine easier to maintain. Running sure looked good on her, so she convinced me to try it. I was once 232 lbs and have found ways to maintain a 50 lb weight loss for several years but I have struggled to stay below a size 14. Through running I am now maintaining a size 12 and loving facing new challenges.

Eat The Same Thing Every Day To Keep Your Health Goals


One of my fit friends has a habit of eating pretty much the same thing for every meal each day. I began to  think maybe the fitness and the routine were related. As I looked around online I saw several different health and weight loss articles supporting this theory and some good reasons why it works.

Many of us have trouble meeting our goals or maintaining weight loss because the planning and prep can become pretty complicated and time consuming depending on the plans you follow. Eating the same thing makes it easy to track nutrition and thus know our goals are being met. Planing once instead of re-planning every day also saves time and energy. If you chose three healthy and balanced meal choices and stick to them the complication factor goes out the window and the time involved in shopping, planning, and prep goes way down because you soon know exactly what you need and how much of it. You might even find that you save money by not over buying or buying lots of “extras”. In addition Those who eat the same thing every day become accustomed to the flavors and amounts and scientific studies show they are less willing to over indulge.

Those who have long term success in meeting their health goals or maintaining weight loss often live by this basic principle. They may not literally eat the same meals every day but they at least have a “pattern” of sameness”. For instance a breakfast of fruit and protein – an apple and peanut butter, one serving of grapes and a cheese stick, strawberries and yogurt. Try eating the same food every day for breakfast to start with. If you get bored you can always vary it like the choices above sticking to a limited number of options. When you are feeling comfortable add a lunch option that you think you could enjoy every day and that packs nutrition. Maybe a vegetable filled salad or soup would be a good choice. Then consider making every night’s dinner 8 oz of lean meat or fish (grilled or baked not fried) and a baked potato and steamed green veggie. Here’s to keeping it simple!



I was recently teaching a kid’s group at church and asked one of my fifth grade students to say a prayer over our snack. Head bowed and eyes closed he began, “Thank you Lord for this food and….” He paused, I opened my eyes to find him opening his. He shrugged, and said…”well?” I got what he wasn’t saying. He could not in good conscience ask God to use marshmallows and cookies to “nourish his body”.

This made me think. Am I being hypocritical when I say grace over my meals? Am I really eating the foods that God would wish for me to be given energy, vitality, and health. I have begun as I go to plan a meal, grab a snack, shop for grocery, or order in a restaurant to pray first and with real “attention” and “intention”.  “Lord help me to choose to fill my body with foods that you created for its health and well-being. Foods that will allow me to function well, think well, and serve you well.

When I begin this way I feel more accountable and more appreciative of the real purpose of eating. I still pick things I enjoy but I gravitate toward fruits, vegetables, unprocessed lean meats, and water very frequently. These foods will do my body good and were created for my well-being and my pleasure. What an awesome God to use a small child to help me better understand his will for my body, and my need to be intentional in taking even better care of it.


Downsizing Your Sweet Tooth

fun size

At lunch I said NO to the ice cream. I had eaten a healthy meal and didn’t need the extra calories. I also had no “calorie counts” for what was available and didn’t want to have to “guess-timate”. At dinner with family ice cream appeared again and again I said no. This evening however, I rewarded myself my picking up this tiny 5.8 fl oz container of mint chocolate chip at the grocery store. It was just 190 calories and boasts half the fat of regular ice cream. You don’t have to eliminate the good stuff in order to lose weight but do make educated choices. Keep portion control in mind and calories within your daily recommended range. This was very yummy and I didn’t miss the fat at all. Buying only a small container kept me from being tempted to over do. I consider that a win.

Get Fit With Netflix


Try using your video source for more than just entertainment. I have started a rotation of workout videos in my Netflix queue. In addition to the workouts they have in their streaming selection they have quite a few of the more popular fitness videos available by mail. Of the three videos we receive at a time I have chosen to make one always be a new workout. This keeps me excited about having something new to try. If you have Netflix, maybe you would like to do the same. Don’t have it? Schedule a once a week new workout session using YouTube videos or even check out options at the local library. These are great ways to keep things fresh and find new favorites.

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New Favorite Salad

I’ve really been enjoying Lean Cuisine’s new Salad Additions. Today for lunch I tried the Cranberry Chicken for the first time and I it I must have instinctively saved the best for last. When I make salads from scratch or order in a restaurant I frequently opt for cranberry and chicken combinations with a raspberry vinaigrette. This salad takes those basics to a new level with the addition of broccoli, red onion, yellow carrots, and a blend of whole grains.  The highlight is the wonderful flavor and crunch of the sesame sticks that top the salad. Yummy. This makes a great lunch that allows you to easily get lots of veggies and enjoy every one.


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“Or” Instead Of “And”

Consider substituting the word “or” for “and” in menu planning.  Soup “or” a sandwich.  A salad “or” a baked potato.  Save the second item for a snack later in the day.


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