What’s In My Workout Room?


      I would love to have a real “home gym” with lots of different equiptment options and plenty of open space for following video routines. My reality is a little more limited. I have half of a family room and a few basic pieces of workout gear that keeps me going. The good news is, it doesn’t really take a lot. I thought I would share what I’m working with these days.

     I have a treadmill. It isn’t new or fancy. It’s a basic model that I received as a very wonderful hand-me-down several years ago. I love that it does track time, distance, and calories burned. It will also do a pulse check. A treadmill isn’t required. There are certainly other ways to get at-home cardio, but I do enjoy having it and use it several time a week, especially in the winter months.

Get yours in the Slimdown With Sandee Store.


     In previous blog postings I’ve shared my appreciation for resistance bands. I have several workouts that use these to help tone the body. They are relatively inexpensive, take up very little space, and are very effective.

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     I use my pedometer primarily for outdoor workouts but it does come in handy for some indoor activities as well. If I’m tracking exercise in miles, calories, or steps I can use it during a session of zumba or aerobics to track that. In addition the stop watch function is great when doing a routine that you use time to monitor.

Valeo Yoga Mat, Purple

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     I have a very basic yoga mat that I use for floor work like ab exercises, pilates, and stretching. The Jillian Michael’s 30 Day shread that I’ve shared with you uses only this and hand weights. Both are very basic pieces that I reccomend for anyone working out at home.

Altus Athletic 32-Pound Dumbbell Set with Stand

     I have a really basic little set of hand weights very similar to the ones above. These are 3, 5, and 8 pounds and the neat little stand helps keep them organized and out of the way when not in use. These sizes are perfect for most of the routines I do which tend to incorporate toning and cardio together.

     I have an assortment of workout videos including pilates, interval training, toning, zumba, cardio dance, arobics and more. Having different options helps me keep from getting bored.

     I have a weight bench, but it currently resides in the basement and doesn’t get much use. In high school I use to lift weights on a regular basis. I am considering  bringing the weight bench back. It could be put to better use than being an extra shelf in the storage area.

     I have some fitness equipment on my “wish-list” as well. I want to add a stability ball. Our entire household has back problems, and for one of us especially, this poses challenges with things like ab exercises and certain types of floor work. The stability ball can be used to get similar results with less strain on the back. It’s also great for helping to achieve greater balance and flexibility.

TKO Fitness Ball

Get yours in the Slimdown With Sandee Store.

     In addition, I have a couple of “on the go” finds. Travel weights where you just add water would be great for vacations or buisness travel. I could even use these when camping.

Get yours in the Slimdown With Sandee Store.

     Finally, the water bottle with storage! When I use to go to the gym regularly, I hated trying to decide what to do with my locker key and membership card while I worked out. When I walk outside I need to carry my house key and often carry a few dollars or a credit card just in case. This water bottle would be perfect for keeping everything safely with me.

Get yours in the Slimdown With Sandee Store.


     I think it takes very little “stuff” to get off to a great start with fitness. A great pair of tennis shoes and the willness to move is all you need to start. Different people have different styles and abilites. Some items that might be great to have in your home, that I don’t currently use but have made use of in the past include a jump rope, a hula hoop, and a mini trampoline. Larger items like eliptical machines, bicycles, or stationary bikes can often be picked up used at a great price. Look forward to building your arsenal a bit at a time.

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