Stepping Stones Week 35

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     I NEED to sleep in, to have 1 piece of chocolate zuccotto cake from my favorite restaurant, to meditate, to luxuriate, to laugh with family and friends. I NEED a true vacation and FINALLY I have one. I have the first entire week of vacation I’ve had off in a year and I will be enjoying it. Since I was already struggling a bit with motivation I am going to use this week to regroup, reaffirm, and reevaluate. With looser limits and fewer demands I will have a time of much-needed de-stressing and refreshment. Coming out of one of the busiest and craziest weeks of 2012 this is much welcome. When I return for week 36 I will have a more firm plan and will have made greater commitment to it. Stepping Stones for week 35 are short and sweet but provide some structure and guidelines so I don’t go overboard. Wish me well. Blessings for week 35!

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Stepping Stones for Success – Week 35


Goal:  “To weigh 135 lbs by 12/31/2012. (That is a loss of approximately 40 lb in 1 year).

Action Steps: I will allow myself flexibility while still trying to make healthy choices for most meals. I will put in 10 miles of cardio exercise.  I will enjoy the week of relaxation and vacation so that I will return next week refreshed.”

To-Do List

1. Grocery shop (See Stocking The “New Me” Pantry.)

2. Pack travel snack basket. (See The Real Food Fight .)

3. Organize Outfits and Gear (See Get Your Rear In Gear.)

4. 10 miles of cardio

5. Evaluate steps needed to get back on track next week

6. Read and evaluate recommendations from readers on how to get my motivation back at high levels.

5. Create next Stepping Stones Sheet

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